
Success Fundamentals


Success is all about simply mastering
the fundamentals...

Part 1:

Let's Break Down the Fundamentals: 

It all begins with learning the
5 Critical Skills

Let's break the 5 Critical Skills down to the ABC's. If you FORGET 
what to do to start earning, JUST REMEMBER THE ABC's! 


Let's break down how to implement the ABC's:  


Let's break down what happens if you "Learn, Do and Teach": 
It creates "know, like and trust" with those you teach.



Let's break down the "ABC's" With "Learn, Do and Teach": 


Let's break down what happens when you begin "teaching
and engaging others": 


Let's see how the"ABC's", "Learn, Do, Teach"
and "Know, Like & Trust" 
have to do with the 5 Critical Skills:


Let's look at it another way:  


Let's look at some practical tips on how to implement the ABC's:.


 LAST TIP: Finally, don't forget to just go through the YBY
Training (each training module and learn all you can!) 

The Fundamentals: 

Now let's go back to the 5 Critical Skills and take another look: 



If you have GOOD advertising with a GOOD capture page
THEN you can get people to add their Name & Email,
and join your LIST as a subscriber.


You can have the BIGGEST List in the WORLD,
but if you don't learn how to build relationships
with your subscribers (through your emails
and other forms of communication),
then you might as well throw your
list in the TRASH.

This is like watering your crop.
If you "water" them (email them daily),
they will grow!

Be also like the "sun". 
Show up every day and shine on
the world (your subscribers). 


Mastering the 5th Skill will enable you to 
earn HIGH TICKET SALES with almost the
same effort as it takes to get a

Learn this mantra by practical experience
(learn, DO and teach).

Master these fundamentals
Remember, it WILL take time!

Part 2:

Effective Communication

Effective communication (engaging with your audience and email list)
can create meaningful relationships with your subscribers
and create connections and future business partners
(who will purchase from you).

By following up with your audience
each day, you slowly move them from not knowing you (Cold),
to knowing you a little (Warm) and then to knowing, liking and 
trusting you (Hot). 

Part 3:

When Am I Going To Get
A Sale Anyway? 

For anyone wanting to know "when will I get a sale?", 
it's ALL based on the formula to advertise correctly
to the target audience with the correct capture page
and get subscribers (BUILD YOUR AUDIENCE).

Then you need give a "call to action"
in order to meet and build relationships (ENGAGE) with your subscribers.
This will bring them to know like and trust you. Sales happens
when they see that you are a person of integrity with 
enough skills (LEARNED, DO AND TEACH)
 to trust you and buy from you.

Does this take time? Yes, it does. But it pays off 
in the long run as you focus on success. 

Critical Skill #5: It takes almost the same effort to create a small ticket sale as it
does a large ticket sale. The only difference is your skill level


You can see below that you need to have good advertising
to build your list and build relationships BEFORE YOU HIT
target and start getting consistent sales. 


Part 4:


Once you start teaching others how to implement the ABC's
into their lives, at some point you will be ready to become a Team Leader.
At this point, "Know, Like & Trust" will become stronger and stronger,
the more you step forward and take a leadership role. 

Here are some leadership roles that you can start thinking about
and practicing for: 

1. Upgrade to the highest levels in HBA and PLS, so not
only will you earn the most, but also so you can also learn
what leaders know and work towards earning six-figures. 

2. Start creating your own funnels and sharing
them with your team. Talk to Albie. He has many 
funnel Share Codes to begin learning!

3. Are you encouraging your team to get to the Fast
Start Training
each week? 

4. Consider becoming a Zoom Leader for your
own direct team. 

5. Look to help train other leaders on your team. 




We will also be here for you to help
you personally 1:1 at every step!


We look forward to working with you! 



Albie Derbyshire
cell: 626-379-5692